Fall fishing is in Full Effect! Just about every river in Western NC is stocked and ready to go for wade or float fishing trips. The tail waters Watauga and South Holston in TN are still producing even though patterns are changing with the cooler temps! Private water in Georgia is producing some beautiful fish as well!
If you're fishing delayed harvest we'd recommend trying mop flies (all colors), squirmies, frenchies, and stoneflies! Streamer fishing is never a bad option on any river! We've been crushing on mini-sculpins! Give us a call if we can help put you on the fish! There's nothing like floating down the river in cool temps, while the leaves are at peak color, and catching trout! We have a full team of top guides ready to help you reach your fishing goals! Congrats to the anglers in these pics who had great days this week! We are based in Asheville, NC. Call today 828 318 4065
